Low Cost Therapy in Plymouth, MI

with the Being Human Group


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Are you in need of low cost therapy? We have options to get you the help you need today! Our student therapists are able to provide services at reduced rates for individuals, couples and families.

Being human is hard and we are here to help! Our goal at Being Human group is to increase self-esteem and live as your authentic self.  We believe in individualized trauma-informed care to provide you with the space to grow and increase your sense of meaning and purpose. 

We envision a world in which people have access to high-quality mental health care to promote healthier individuals and communities.  We believe all people are capable of growth and that all people deserve to feel better.

We are committed to being a supportive learning environment where interns and new clinicians can thrive.  We’re committed to providing training and support at a high level so you can be the best clinician you can be. Our vision is for therapists to feel valued as individuals and supported in both their personal and professional lives.

Having Master’s Level Graduate Students and Master’s/Doctoral Level Counselors and Clinical Social Workers allows us to:

Offer high-quality, trauma-informed services at a sharply discounted rate.

Offer multiple groups to meet the needs of our community at a rate that may be more affordable and as beneficial as individual therapy in some cases. 

Offer trauma-specific educational opportunities and experience by fostering the growth and development of the next generation of trauma therapists, which is greatly needed in our community! There is plenty of trauma to go around (sadly) and not enough therapists to adequately treat it!

What is an Advanced Master’s Level Graduate Student Therapist?

Generally speaking, our student therapists are students at the Master’s level who are earning hours towards their desired graduate degree. They have completed most all of their required coursework or “book knowledge” and they are in the final stages of completing their degree. They are required to obtain at least 700 practice hours prior to being awarded their graduate degree. They are not employees of the practice; however, they work with us as affiliates. Being Human Group enters into a contract with their university and offers them clinical site to gain experience while also offering clinical supervision at no cost to the student or the university. In exchange, the Being Human Group is able to set a lower rate for those therapy sessions, which benefits the public and also helps cover the overhead costs of having them on site and providing them with regular, scheduled clinical supervision as well as after-hours or emergency supervision.

To be a student therapist with Being Human Group, they must have had prior experience working in the mental health field, some personal or professional experience with trauma or other mental health concerns, OR possess a skill set that sets them apart from the average intern. Our student therapists undergo a fairly rigorous process that includes a preliminary candidate questionnaire that requires some in-depth questions around trauma-informed therapy. If they make it past that stage, they are interviewed with our staff to ensure that they are good fit. 

Student therapists receive weekly supervision from their university supervisor. They are also required to have weekly on-site supervision with a site supervisor for the duration of their placement (4 hours a month). Our student therapists generally receive more than the amount of supervision required because trauma work requires more. They are also given access to top trainings through Safe and Sound, Somatic Experiencing Institute, and other trainings based on areas of interest such as couples work, play therapy, etc. 

We see having student therapists as the key to keeping costs low without sacrificing the standard of care. It’s also a way to invest in the counseling profession through education and mentoring. It also allows for a really long job interview. This method has worked so well for us that 90% of our student therapists who have completed internship placement with us have gone on to work for us AND they have retained at least 90% of their clients! The other 10% of clients generally decide to work with another intern to keep the lower cost.


All student therapists are supervised by Becca Gerlach, license number 6801094608.

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